This morning I read the trilogy of parables recorded in The Gospel of Luke regarding items that were lost. (Luke 15: 1-32) Ironically on the very day I am reading this parable, I am also on the hunt for three things I have lost in my home, two pieces of mail and an earring. I have diligently searched for these lost items, but to no avail; to date they are all three still MIA. In any event, I am asking the Lord to reveal what He may be saying to me personally through His Word regarding my lost items today. I haven’t heard anything as of yet…

As I read through the three separate accounts of lost items, I see both the common thread and the distinct differences in each of these stories. In each of the three parables only one thing is missing; one sheep, one coin, one son. Each of the lost items are of priceless value and great worth to its owner. It is apparent that the one item that is missing in each of these accounts is worth the search. In the case of the sheep as well as the son, the message is obvious: if even one item is missing, it is one too many. It is also blatantly clear that what is lost matters to God. God cares about lost items, lost animals, and most significantly, God cares immensely about lost people. 

In all three parables the owners searched diligently to find what was lost. In the first two accounts, the search required a physical action. The owner of the lost coin swept every corner of her home until the coin was found. The owner of the lost sheep left his home and went on a journey for his lost animal, but the father of the lost son searched for his son not with a physical action, but rather with a spiritual stance. The father recognized that his son would first need to recognize that he was actually lost before he could be found. So the father, rather than taking matters into his own hands entrusted his Son to God and waited.

Finally in all three parables, there is great rejoicing, and in the story of the son, even festive celebration, when lost items are recovered.

After reading these parables, I am encouraged and challenged as I remember that God sees that which is missing, cares deeply about that which is lost, and is calling me to adopt that same heart posture of seeing, caring and seeking.

So in response to what I’ve read today, I asked the Lord the following questions…

  1. Are there missing items in my life that you are calling me to recover for by taking a physical action?
  2. Are there missing items in my life that will require a season of prayer and waiting before searching?
  3. Lastly, how can I practically support and encourage others who are searching for missing items in their lives?

I share these questions with you as perhaps they are ones you are considering as well…

God bless you friends!

My Father God, thank you for speaking to me through your life giving Word. Please open my spiritual ears to hear your personal message to me today. Holy Spirit, cause my heart to rejoice to overflow when lost things that belong to you, and to the people that you love, are recovered. I am so grateful that I was found by you when I was lost. You are an amazing Father, and I am grateful to be your child. Please receive my sincere gratitude today.

In Jesus’ name,