This morning I read the familiar account of Jesus stepping into Simon Peter’s boat. This is a short narrative; a mere eleven verses. There is nothing dramatic or unusual included in this story. Truthfully it could easily be overlooked as a retelling of an ordinary day in the life of Simon, the fisherman. However, that’s until you figure Jesus into the equation, and suddenly what began as a day like every other, becomes a day like no other, for Simon the fisherman. The story begins as Simon returns to his boat after washing his empty fishing nets. It’s been a disappointing, long and unsuccessful night of fishing for him. More than likely, he is hungry, tired and headed for home. If this was his plan, plans have just changed, when Jesus suddenly shows up, steps into Simon’s boat and asks him to push out into the water. Once they arrive a short distance from shore, Jesus begins to teach the crowds that have followed him from the boat. The people listen intently to Jesus the wise Rabbi, and I imagine Simon is listening too. After Jesus has finished teaching, he turns his attention to Simon, and suggests that he rows out into deeper water and resume fishing “Now when He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.

Luke 5:4 NASB2020 You would think Simon would reply with something like, Great idea Lord. You are wise in the ways of God. I have listened to your teachings and it’s obvious that you walk in the power and authority of the Father, I’ll give it a try, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, this is not Simon’s response. Instead, Simon responds with a recounting of how hard he’s worked all night. In addition, the fish are not biting, and he’s already done everything he knows to do. Basically, he’s given it his best shot. He is after all a skilled and experienced fisherman, and if there’s one thing Simon knows how to do, it’s fish. “Master”, Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing”.

Luke 5:5 NLT Although he is hesitant, Simon decides it’s worth a shot. This is Jesus’ idea after all, so what could he possibly lose? Hmm, perhaps Sleep? Never mind, sleep will have to wait. For tonight at least, Simon decides he’ll take a chance and heed Jesus’ suggestion. And with this in mind, he gradually begins to row into deeper water. What happens next is truly next-level for Peter; not at all what he anticipated. He respectfully followed Jesus’ advice, not expecting much, if anything at all, and what he received was truly extraordinary. A catch like none before for the expert fisherman!

“But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.”

Luke 5:5-7 NLT Peter is overwhelmed to say the least. He had listened to Jesus’ teachings, heard the reports of his miraculous healings, and believed he was a prophet of God. But now, everything has drastically changed for Peter, as he has just personally experienced the miraculous hand of God at work in his own life Who exactly is this miracle man who demonstrates authority over seemingly everything? Could this truly be the promised Messiah? When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man.” For he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him. His partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were also amazed.

Luke 5:8-10 NLT Jesus is aware that Peter is overcome and overwhelmed, but He reassures him that there is no need to be afraid. And then, as if this day hasn’t already been mind-blowing enough, Jesus shares one more critical piece of information with Peter…. Jesus replied to Simon, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!”

Luke 5:10 NLT More than likely, Peter has no earthly idea what any of this could possibly mean… Fishing for people? How on earth will I fish for people? This doesn’t make sense? But it’s okay, Peter has seen and heard enough. He knows all he needs to know, at least for now. Receiving answers to his many questions, no longer seems to matter. His recent miraculous fishing experience has left him a changed man. He has a transformed mind and a new heart. In response, Peter leaves his fishing nets on the shore, glances at his boat one last time, and begins to follow Jesus….

And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.”

Luke 5:11 NLT As I read this story, I am reminded that Jesus entered into our world to show us a new and better way to live; completely dependent on him. He meets us right where we are, in our everyday life and he empowers us to see the divine in the daily. In His great plan, God has uniquely gifted each of his children and strategically placed them in specific areas of authority and influence for His purposes. God does not require us to change who we are on the inside, in regards to our unique personalities and giftings before He can use us. Nor does he always require us to change what we do on the outside, in regards to our vocations, hobbies or routines. Rather, God invites us to partner with His bigger story, by being exactly who He’s called us to be, and by doing exactly what He’s called us to do. And all of this is all for the purpose of sharing His gospel and building His kingdom. Gracious Father, Thank you for the extreme privilege of knowing you, serving you and being used by you. When you call me into deeper waters, may I be fearless to go where you lead. Help me to trust in your plan, even when it doesn’t make sense. Open my eyes to see where you are already at work in the world, and give me the courage to follow you there. It is an honor to be your child and to represent you in this world. I commit to use all that I am and all that I have to share your gospel. In the beautiful name of Jesus I pray,
