As we continue in our study of the book of Genesis, today we see the unfortunate results of losing sight of God’s promises and taking matters into our own hands. Such is the case in Genesis chapter 17 when Sarai has a plan, an alternate plan to God’s plan, that will solve her infertility problem, enable her to finally become a mom, and provide an heir for Abram. It seemed like a logical plan as time is passing, and year after year Sarai and Abram remain childless. Her intentions were good, at least from her perspective, and the plan would solve the immediate problem of barrenness. Sarai would be helping God and blessing her husband, or so she thought. The problem is that her plan, although it would meet an immediate need and fulfill a desire, would set in motion a domino effect that would negatively impact the lives of many people. Clearly Sarai’s idea was not only not a good one, but also not a God one. Although Sarai initiated the plan, Abram agreed to the plan, which makes him an equal accomplice to a plan that resulted in strife, confusion and hurt. Prior to Sarai pitching her idea to Abram, regarding Haggar as a surrogate mother for their child, God had spoken to Abram and promised him, not only an heir, but in addition, more descendants than the stars in the sky…

Abram also said, “Since You have given me no son, one who has been born in my house is my heir.” Then behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “This man will not be your heir; but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” And He took him outside and said, “Now look toward the heavens and count the stars, if you are able to count them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.””

Genesis 15:3-5 God not only made a promise to Abram, he also directed his attention to a visual in the sky to enable Abram to perceive His words. This event was a major highlight in Abram’s faith walk causing him to truly believe God… “Then he, (Abram), believed in the Lord; and He (God) credited it to him as righteousness.”

Genesis 15:6 NASB2020 A banner, God sized day for Abram indeed! So what went wrong? Why after receiving God’s promise, backed up with a beautiful visual in the sky, would Abram succumb to Sarai’s plan? Did he lose sight of the vision? Did he forget what God had spoken to him and over him? Did he forget who God was and, in the process, forget who he was?? What happened?? I believe the answer is time. Yes, time happened. Days past, months past, years past and still no son, and therefore no heir. Sarai’s desperation collided with Abram’s faltering faith, and suddenly this alternate plan seemed like the best and only option. Unfortunately, God’s promise to Abram in the past was swallowed by Sarai’s plea in the present, and the result was indeed a child, but not the heir God had promised.

God never authored this confusion, and the result of this plan was hurt and heartache for everyone involved. But God…. But God is gracious. He is faithful. And He is able, more than able, to bring beauty out of brokenness and purpose out of pain. Eventually the relational tension between Sarai and Hagar becomes so unbearable that Haggar runs away. But the God who sees, truly sees Hagar, and in her distress, He meets with her, reassuring her and bringing her comfort. In time, Hagar gives birth to a son, who although not the promised son, was not an accident, and had a purpose in God’s redemptive story of grace. The years pass…. Thirteen years later, Abram and Sarai, now renamed by God as Abraham and Sarah, will finally give birth to Isaac, the promised Son and heir of God’s covenant. In the end, God’s purposes and plans prevailed, they always do and they always will. God is in control and Sovereign over the affairs of all mankind. He will never fail and His Word will always come to pass. As fragile and flawed people we are prone to forget God when time elapses and we don’t see the promised changes we desire or answers to heartfelt prayers, but this story serves as a sober reminder that waiting on God is always time well spent. He is not a man, that He should lie. What He speaks will come to pass, but in His way and in His time. Father God, I pray for grace and patience during the seasons of life that require me to wait. Help me to always remember that time spent waiting on you is always purposeful and never wasteful. When I am tempted to take matters into my own hands, cause me to remember that you are completely trustworthy and amazingly faithful. I am in awe of your consistent love and constant presence in my life.

Thank you for all that you are and all that you’ve done.

I am grateful,
