Now that we are nearly two weeks into January, I wonder, have you committed to anything new? Maybe an exercise program, healthy diet, self-help study, habit, discipline, skill or perhaps a new and improved attitude are on your list?

If you answered yes to any of these, or something similar, I am confident you fall in line with the majority of individuals, myself included, who seek to experience some level of physical, mental or spiritual upgrade in the new year. There just seems to be something intrinsically appealing about fresh starts. For this reason, at the beginning of each year, we consider ways to accomplish this.

As I ponder this annual occurrence, I am reminded that regardless of anything novel you or I may seek to undertake, accomplish or become this year, as children of God, we’ve already been made as new as we could ever possibly hope to be! In fact, in the nano second we accepted Christ as Savior, everything about us changed: our name, our heart, our mind, our spirit, and most significantly, our eternal address! In an instant we literally became new people.

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

This miraculous transition is solely a work of God. It’s a gift of His grace. It demanded nothing of us other than receiving it, which is nothing short of amazing!

If by chance this sounds mind-blowing, I get it, as it certainly is. At the same time, it is absolutely true and a reality we must embrace as children of God! However, we need to understand that transformation takes place according to God’s timeline, not ours. It’s a process that He works through over the course of our life journey.

But the additional good news is that this process is not dependent on anything we do or don’t do for that matter. Furthermore, it is Yahweh alone, Who both initiates and completes this work. And this knowledge is the reason for our confident hope and assurance.

Our loving Father is wise and incredibly patient with us. He understands that we are human, and therefore incapable of walking freely and fully in our new identity as His children. Because of this, He has graciously given us two priceless treasures to empower and equip us: The Holy Spirit and Holy Scripture. These are invaluable gifts for every child of God, but they are only effective if they are believed and activated.


The first and most critical step we must take in living in our new identity as Christ followers is this: to believe the words that God has pronounced over us are true. And honestly there is no better way to make this happen than by saturating our minds with the realities of scripture.

This is why I so appreciate the practical wisdom found in the book of James. Throughout this epistle, the apostle strongly urges his readers to live consistently dependent upon the entirety of God’s law. He shoots from the hip, but he speaks from the heart, declaring that God’s Word produces faith for those who truly listen to it and a blessing for those who act upon it.

But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.
James 1:25 (NLT)


The next equally critical step in living in our new identity is to activate, or act upon what we believe to be true about ourselves. Most often this elicits the question of how? As in, how do I transfer what I know to be true of myself into the way I live? This is actually an excellent question that deserves continual, thoughtful consideration.

When I need advice, I usually seek out individuals who have life experience in the particular area I’m desiring counsel. For this reason, I treasure the words of the apostle Paul as they relate back to this topic. A heralder of the gospel, but a former persecutor of the church, not to mention, a murderer, Paul completely understood the critical need for embracing the new identity we’ve received as children of God.

Therefore, in his letter to the Ephesians, Paul encouraged the believers to discard their old self like an old garment, and to replace it with their new self, similar to a new item of clothing. Perhaps this seems overly simplistic, but in reality, the imagery is quite effective and wonderfully practical.

Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth…throw off your old sinful nature, (old clothes)…. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, (new clothes), created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
Ephesians 4:21-24 (NLT)

In essence Paul is saying, now that you know the truth regarding everything God has spoken over you and given to you, you are empowered to live with certainty in your new identity. And this very same word applies to us today.

We too, like Paul, like the believers in Ephesus, and like every child of God since, who has placed their trust in Jesus, have been commissioned and released to live fully and freely in the new life that God has graciously given to us.

Understanding this truth and receiving it as our personal reality is our best opportunity for walking confidently in our new identity courageously every new year, and purposefully each new day.

Everything new that God has spoken over you is true.

Believe it, activate it and walk assuredly in the reality of the true new you!

God bless you friends!

Extend grace to others! If you’ve been encouraged, strengthened, or edified by this week’s post, please consider sharing Grace Notes For You  with a friend.

For Reflection:

  • Consider all of the many beautiful, creative and unique ways in which God has made you into a new person.
  • Through prayer or perhaps even a song of praise, thank God for the work of transformation He began in you and has promised to complete.

Read Ephesians 4:21-24

What truths do you receive from these verses? How will you practically respond to God’s personal word to you?