At all times
                  I will
                         Bless the Lord

This past Saturday my day launched to a beautiful start. I left my home for my routine morning walk on a wooded trail in my neighborhood. I felt hopeful and joyful at the same time as the gradual unfolding of fall became more of a reality, evidenced by crisp temperatures and brightly colored leaves. Unfortunately, as I neared the end on my walk, I felt the onset of a headache which quickly progressed, and by the time I made it home, I did not feel at all well.

Once inside, I prayed with my husband, and then we sat together to journal and read devotions. A featured scripture in one of our daily plans prompted me to read the entire psalm. I turned to this familiar passage, a favorite of mine, and as I began to read I was certain God was speaking directly to me.

I will bless the Lord at all times…
Psalm 34:1 (NLT)

And honestly, this past Saturday was one of those times for me.

I love how God is so amazingly personal, completely aware of what we need. He continually reminds us of the reality of His Word. Because I was not feeling well, and a bit discouraged, it was the first eight words of Psalm 34 that immediately commanded my attention

King David authored Psalm 34, just one of the many prolific songs he wrote in response to adversity and extreme hardship. David scripted these lyrics during one of the darkest, most confusing, and more than likely loneliest seasons of his life. Because of this, it might seem reasonable for him to have considered beginning his prose with a cry for help, or at the very least a despairing lament, but instead he begins his song with a pledge.

I will…

These opening words are in fact a personal mini-mission statement revealing the posture of David’s heart. Moreover, these words of promise are worthy of consideration. I believe the most effective I will statements are those that are made in advance of trials and tribulations. David was far from perfect, the same as every other human on the planet. However, throughout his entire lifetime he consistently honored God regardless of personal circumstances.

Below I’ve included a few additional, inspiring “I will” statements offered by Israel’s second and greatest earthly king.

I will not present burnt offerings to the Lord my God that have cost me nothing.
2 Samuel 24:24 (NLT)

I will celebrate before the Lord.
2 Samuel 6:21 NIV

I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalms 23:6 (NLT)

I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever.
I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever.
I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles.
I will proclaim your greatness.
I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless his holy name forever and ever.

Psalms 145:1-2, 5-6, 21 (NLT)

I will sing and make melody with all my being!
I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations.

Psalm 108:1, 3 (ESV)

In each of the examples I’ve listed, David was incredibly specific about his intentions, and the same is true in Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord

David was intent on blessing the Lord. He had walked closely with God since he was a child. He knew God personally and loved Him intimately. This wasn’t the first time David had faced hardships and it certainly wouldn’t be his last. David had experienced the goodness and faithfulness of God, and as a result praise for God was his first and most natural response to all things. David realized that worshiping Yahweh wasn’t a matter of personal feelings or emotions. And further, he was aware that praise for God was the source of his peace and his place of protection.

I will bless the Lord at all times

It obviously doesn’t require a tremendous amount of effort to raise a hallelujah in times of shalom, joy, and contentment. Yet in a time of great distress David chose to turn his attention from his extreme hardship to His Mighty God. It’s significant to realize that David actually scripted these words while living as a refugee in the land of the Philistines. In a desperate attempt to escape the insane, jealous, and murderous King Saul, David, seeing no other option, sought temporary shelter in enemy territory. And it was in this very place that David recorded these beautiful words.

I will bless the Lord at all times

In closing, I am of the personal belief that David, the worshiper king, in addition to composing these lyrics, further released his praise by singing his spirit-inspired song out loud directly to God. And if indeed David had taken this action, it would have immediately released peace over his heart, reminding Him that the God who loved him greatly and had never ceased to be with him, was right there in his time of great trouble as He always had been, and forever would be.

Following King David’s example, I am inspired to construct a personal “I will” mission statement of my own. I recognize that this proactive stance will empower me to faithfully respond to life’s challenges. Further, I realize that praise to God is powerful, bringing honor to his Name, releasing peace and providing protection. And lastly, I am reminded that praise for God is not limited to times or places, but rather is always the right and most fitting response in all places. Because of this, I will bless the Lord at all times.

For Reflection:

• What does blessing the Lord mean to you personally?
• Make a list of the practical, purposeful and worshipful ways you can demonstrate this action to God.
• How can you realistically bless the Lord at all times?
• Using Psalm 34:1 as a foundation, write a personal prayer to God committing to praise Him at all times.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

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