Embracing Your God-Sized Dream

While there is no formal definition for the term “God-sized”, the meaning is clear. God-sized refers to something reflecting the greatness and magnitude of God, such as a God-sized provision, intervention, occurrence, or dream.

 A God-sized dream is basically an aspiration or goal that exceeds what we can achieve on our own. It is a type of dream that requires faith, trust and complete dependence on Him.

God’s Purpose for Dreams

The Bible says that good gifts come from God (James 1:17) and this would include our God-sized dreams. In truth, it is God who both puts dreams in our hearts and gives us the ability to dream, yet not just any dreams, instead big dreams that honor and glorify Him. And this is not only a good thing, but also a “God thing.” You see God gives us dreams for the purpose of creating vision, fueling passion, and propelling us positively forward in our calling.

Dreamers who Made a Difference

Throughout biblical and present-day history, dreamers and visionaries have made a positive impact on people and society. Abrahams’s vision allowed him to see the multitude of God’s future descendants. Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams promoted him to a prominent position, leading to the preservation of God’s people. Daniel's dreams gave him influence, enabling him to proclaim God's power to the ruling authorities of the time. 

In more recent history, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream Speech continues to speak a message of hope, peace, and freedom to our world, not to mention Chuck Colson’s dream which led to Prison Fellowship, supporting prisoners and their families, and Mother Teresa’s dream to help the poorest of the poor that profoundly changed our world. And these are just some of the multitude of individuals who have entrusted their dreams to God and made a difference.

Dreamers Like Us

This leads me to my final category of dreamers, which is dreamers just like us. We too have dreams for our future, our family, our ministries, our profession, and our world. And if indeed these dreams align with God’s Word and will, then we must be faithful in submitting and committing these dreams to God for His purposes and honor. It makes no difference whether your dream is on a large or small scale. If your dream is from God, it is in fact God-sized, it matters, and it has the potential to make a difference in the lives of others.

So today, whether your dream is to raise godly children, invest in the next generation, start a ministry, heal a severed relationship, or create beautiful art, thank God for your dream, commit it to prayer, and courageously live it out.

 “While you still have breath, it’s never too late to act on your Dream!” Bruce H. Wilkinson


Author’s Note

Just over two years ago, I started my Grace Notes for You blog. This was a first step in my dream to share my writings with others. And on that lovely note, I am happy to announce that today I am taking a second positive step by relaunching my website. Have I arrived? Absolutely not. Yet I am walking positively forward with God’s help and guidance in pursuit of my dream. And for this reason, and countless more, I am truly grateful.   


Father God, I thank you for the gift of dreams and for the power that comes from you to pursue and fulfill them. I recognize apart from you I can do nothing. And I’m grateful that I never need to try, as you are with me, and working through me. I place my trust in you alone for all things, including my dreams. May you be honored in all I do, say and think.  Amen

Question of the Week

What is the next positive step you can take to fulfill your God-sized dream?

Encourage our community by sharing your response HERE!


Loving Difficult People