Enjoy these special free downloadable resources

created just for you.

  • Re-launch Bookmark

    My artist friend Bernadette has created a beautiful Grace Notes for You bookmark celebrating the website relaunch which is available for a limited time only.

    Click here to view more of Bernadette’s art.

  • Straight Talk: A Five-Day Devotional from the Book of James

    Perhaps like me you appreciate practical biblical teaching that is applicable to real life. And if this describes you, then the Book of James is a study you will treasure. It’s a short book of only five chapters, but it is long on truth and practical application. Although you can easily read the book in one sitting, it's best to read slowly and thoughtfully and this five-day devotional study is designed to help you do just that.

    Begin each day by reading the scripture passage that corresponds to the devotional.  Then read the devotional, answer the daily reflection question, and consider how you might apply what you've studied.

    I pray this practical study will encourage you in your faith journey. Blessings!