Today we turned the calendar page at the commencement of a new month. Ah March, a time to spring forward, plant flowers, honor the Irish, watch a few weeks of Madness, and most significantly for Christ followers, remember the Cross on Good Friday and celebrate our Risen Savior on Easter Sunday. I am personally looking forward to this month in anticipation of the unfolding of spring, quality time with family and friends, and specifically meaningful times in worship with fellow believers during the Passion Week. As I pondered my hopeful disposition on the onset of this beautiful season of the year, I was led to consider just how Jesus might have felt as He began the final month of his life.

It’s interesting to note that the gospel accounts include very few specifics regarding Jesus’ personal timeline, His birth, his temple appearance at age 12, His baptism, His temptation in the wilderness, and the final week of His life. These are the only details we really have in regards to piecing together precise dates and times connected to the events of His life. I share this only to say that while we don’t know the particulars surrounding Jesus’ exact whereabouts one month prior to His crucifixion, we do know that He was fully aware of everything that He would be facing. And by everything, I mean ev-er-y-thing, as in all of it, every single disturbing, gruesome detail.

Can you even wrap your head around this? The fact is, Jesus knew in advance not only that He would be crucified, which would be sheer horror in itself, but equally distressing that he would be betrayed, abandoned, mocked, and severely beaten. In my humanness I have no comprehension for this reality. I honestly don’t understand how in the world Jesus was able to walk courageously into His final month of life. Yes, He was fully God, but make no mistake, He was also fully human. This means He experienced all the hurt, pain, fear, and temptation we do. And what’s further mind blowing is He willingly subjected Himself to all that He suffered by emptying Himself of His deity and humbly taking the position of a servant.

And this is why I find myself asking, “Why Jesus? Why would you do this?” And further, “How Jesus? How could you possibly face the final month of your life, with the full knowledge of all that you would endure?”

And as I wrestled with these questions it suddenly dawned on me, it was because Jesus was not of this world. His home was in heaven with His Father where it had always been, where it would forever be, and of this He was fully confident. But until His mission and time on earth was completed, He would continue to live presently, purposefully and powerfully, completely surrendered and fully obedient to His Father’s plan. And this was the exact heart posture and mindset of Jesus as He began the final month of His life.

Perhaps take a moment as I just did while writing this, to rest in the glorious truth of Jesus’ outrageous love for us, and the extent He would go to prove it. It is unquestionably overwhelming and incredibly humbling. And it is also beautiful, glorious, awe inspiring, praise worthy, and best of all, it is absolutely true!

In closing, unlike Jesus we are not entrusted with advance notice or instruction regarding God’s predetermined plan for our lives. However, like Jesus, we do know that we are chosen, loved, called, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and set apart for God’s purposes. And further like Jesus, we are in this world, but not of this world. And finally like Jesus, we are called to live on mission with God, by being fruitful, faithful, prayerful, watchful, and grateful.

In this world we are like Jesus.  1 John 4:17 (NIV)

And it is this knowledge of our position and calling in and because of Jesus, that ignites our passion, fuels our purpose and propels us positively forward not simply for this new month, but rather for each new day and every single minute of our lives.

God bless you friends!

Welcome to March!

Extend grace to others! If you’ve been encouraged, strengthened, or edified by this week’s post, please consider sharing the Grace Notes For You blog with a friend.

Question of the Week

 In what specific ways are you encouraged to begin this new month in light of the powerful promise recorded in the verse below?

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

Please share your response on the Grace Notes for You Facebook page found here.

For Reflection

  • What is your present outlook as you begin this month? Explain your response authentically and specifically.
  • In what specific ways are you inspired and/or challenged by Jesus’ consistent focus, passion, and commitment to His calling throughout his entire life?
  • Is there something difficult that you may be facing this month? If so, how does the truth that the Lord has gone before you (Deuteronomy 31:8) into this month encourage you?
  • Is there something specific that God may be leading you to do this month? If so, what steps will you take to answer His lead?

As I ponder my hopeful disposition on the onset of this beautiful season of the year, I am led to consider just how Jesus might have felt as He began the final month of his life…

To read this weeks gracenotes post, The Final Month subscribe at