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Connecting people with the reality, beauty, and practicality of Scripture for daily living.

Join the Grace Notes for You community and receive weekly Scripturally-based devotional writings that encourage and inspire your faith!

Hey there! I’m Carol.

I’m a happily married, empty-nester, and a part-time vocal instructor living in beautiful Upstate South Carolina. My life, like yours, is a blend of the messy, mundane, and marvelous. Through it all, I’ve learned this truth: life is hard, but God is good.

He is an ever-present God dwelling with us in both our beauty and brokenness.

As a devotional writer, I turn to scripture not just for information but for inspiration. My “Grace Notes” are reflections shaped by God’s Word—simple yet powerful reminders of His grace meant to uplift, encourage, and inspire.

Just as a grace note enhances a melody, I believe our words can bring beauty and distinction to the lives of others. It’s my prayer that every word I write becomes a note of grace in your life.

Get This Free Journal

30 Days of Grace & Gratitude

I’ve created this journal to encourage you in your grace journey. For the next 30 days, I recommend reading the daily grace-themed verse of the day, taking time to reflect upon its meaning. Then, respond by journaling what you hear God-speaking through this verse, guided by the gratitude prompt.

Receive this free resource by joining the Grace Notes to You community. It’s my way of saying “Thank you.”

What is a Grace Note?

A grace note is actually a musical term describing a small, seemingly insignificant note that enhances the beauty of a melody. Basically grace notes are added notes that bring beauty and distinction to other notes. I believe in the very same manner, words, just like these tiny notes, have the exact same potential of bringing beauty and distinction to the life of another.

Words have power.
When shared with the intent purpose of uplifting others, our words become life-giving agents of blessing, bringing grace to the hearer. It is my heartfelt hope and prayer that both the words I speak and the ones I write, will always and only, be notes of grace that edify, inspire and bring hope to others.


Join the Grace Notes for You community and receive weekly inspirational devotionals sent directly to your inbox each Friday. In addition, subscribers receive regular free resources, a monthly inspirational newsletter, and the opportunity to interact with others through the weekly question of the week.


Stay connected with me on Facebook! Here you’ll find encouraging thoughts, a weekly reflection question, and updates about upcoming series and weekly posts.