Rethinking Trials

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” James 1:2 NIV

I think we would all agree that the Bible, although consistently relevant, inspiring and encouraging, does include a few choice verses and even whole passages that are challenging and semi-confusing. For me, James 1:2, considering trials as opportunities for joy, falls into this category, and here’s why…

You see, joy isn’t usually, if ever, my initial response to trials. In fact, if it were possible, I’d rather escape them altogether, which is obviously not realistic, nor is it beneficial. The truth is, trials are a part of life in this world. But the greater truth is God uses trials in the lives of His people, people like you and people like me, yet not to punish us or confuse us, but rather to teach, train, shape and mold us for His greater and higher purposes. And for this reason, I am persuaded to rethink my initial response to trials.

A Shift in Thinking

Rethinking trials requires adopting a different perspective. Let me explain. You see, most commonly we respond to trials with why; why is this happening to me? But a far better response would be how; how can I personally grow and honor God through this circumstance?

I’m not suggesting this is easy, as certainly it is not. Nor is it natural. Instead, it is supernatural, as it is God’s way of thinking. But the extremely good news is God has empowered us by His Spirit to think like this. In fact, the Scriptures tell us that we’ve been given the mind of Christ, (1 Corinthians 2:13). By this we know we can think God-like thoughts, in a different, higher, far better way.

Five Biblical Reasons to Rethink Trials

  • Trials develop godly character. (Romans 5:3 & 4)

  • Trials test and strengthen faith. (1 Peter 1: 7)

  • Trials produce endurance. (James 1: 3 & 4)

  • Trials connect us to God’s promises (James 1:12)

  • Trials provide an eternal perspective (2 Corinthians 4:17)

This is in no way an exhaustive list, yet it does provide a foundation for rethinking trials.

“Take Heart”

These were the words Jesus shared with His disciples on the night before His crucifixion.

His purpose was to prepare them for what was about to happen to Him, and as a result, to them. Jesus was honest in saying that life on earth in His physical absence would include many trials and sorrows, which was probably not something His friends wanted to hear. Yet Jesus also encouraged them saying, “take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

In truth, after Jesus had ascended to heaven, His followers did face many trials just as He had said they would. Yet, because Jesus had overcome death, hell, the grave and the world, His followers, empowered by His life-giving Spirit overcame as well. And this remains true for followers of Jesus today. This is why even in the face of trials we too can take heart, connect to joy, and grow in strength and endurance.

So today, if you’re facing a challenging trial of your own, perhaps consider joining me in rethinking it as a God-given opportunity to grow in character, experience the presence of Jesus, connect to authentic joy, and eventually share our faith stories. If we commit to do this, we will experience godly confidence, courage, and purpose as we walk through life’s trials together with God.


Father God, I am grateful for the opportunity to always experience your Presence with me, especially when I face trials. I acknowledge you use trials in my life for my good and your greater purpose. Help me to face life’s trials courageously and confidently knowing you are with me, for me and love me, amen.

Question of the Week

How has God used a trial in your life to strengthen your faith and grow your character?

Encourage our community by sharing your response HERE!


A Love Like No Other


Learners for Life