Delighting in Discipline

I’m wondering today what brings you joy, satisfaction or delight. I imagine your list to include things like family, friends, meaningful ministry, satisfying work, recreation and vacation. I say this as these items are on my list as well. Yet there is something, most likely omitted from both our lists, I believe is worth considering. And by this I refer to the virtue of discipline. This is probably not what you expected me to say, but let me explain.

I think perhaps the concept of discipline often gets a bad rap. This is primarily due to a lack of understanding regarding the positive outcomes resulting from discipline. You see, discipline much more than being a committed action is a conduit for blessing. In truth, it is discipline that equips us to live with focus and drive. Void of discipline we would be powerless to walk purposely or fruitfully.

The Bible Speaks

Not surprisingly, the Bible has a good deal to say on the topic of discipline, both from the perspective of submitting to it and living by it. From the Bible we learn that discipline is good for training in godliness and righteousness (1 Timothy 4:7 & 8, Hebrews 12:11), for exercising self-control (1 Corinthians 9:27), and for growing in holiness (Hebrews 12:10). We also learn there is wisdom in submitting to discipline (Proverbs 19:20). And most significantly we learn that God’s discipline is an extension of His love for us (Hebrews 12:5).

The Discipline of Delighting

Clearly living with discipline is beneficial both personally and spiritually. And for the most part I believe we all desire to live this way. Yet achieving this is often our challenge. Thankfully for us, there is an effective way of accomplishing this. However, it does require personal choice and a Godward focus. And the way I’m referring to is found in the discipline of delighting, yet not simply in anything or anyone, but rather in God.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4 ESV)

These are King David’s words, written from personal experience as a man who truly loved God. Admittedly, David was far from perfect, much like all of us. Still his greatest delight was his intimate, abiding relationship with Yahweh. Yet, his words were never intended to become a formula for receiving whatever we want. Instead, David was sharing that delighting in the Lord is a choice that transforms our hearts to align with that of God’s. And when this happens, we are delighting in what God desires for us, which is always the best, most blessed things in life.

Spiritual Disciplines

While the Bible doesn’t include a comprehensive list of spiritual disciplines, the critical necessity of knowing, honoring, and obeying God is a foundational biblical teaching. And successfully embracing this teaching is dependent upon the practice of daily spiritual disciplines. These are specific disciplines that enable us to grow in our knowledge of God, causing us to love Him and others more as a result. The following are some essential disciplines every believer must commit to in order to live effectively and purposely as a Christ follower:

1. Scripture Study

The only way to know, hear, and learn from God is through the consistent study of Scripture. This intentional, committed practice instructs, prepares, equips, transform, and causes us to better reflect Jesus to our world. (see 2 Timothy 2:15 and 3:16-17)

2. Scripture Meditation

Not to be confused with Middle Eastern practices promoting emptying the mind, biblical mediation is the practice of filling the mind with God’s Word, and continually rehearsing and reciting the truth and promises of Holy Scripture. (see Psalm 1:1 & 2)

3. Prayer

Prayer is the main way we communicate with God. Through prayer we can express our feelings, share our requests, sing, confess and lament. Prayer equips us to walk, talk and daily journey with God. (see 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Colossians 4:2, Philippians 4:6 & James 5:16)

4. Resting

The Bible encourages Sabbath resting for the purposes of refreshing, recharging, and most significantly as a distinct time for remembering and honoring God. (see Exodus 20:8-11)

5. Corporate Worship and Christian Community

Gathering with other believers is a primary method for growing in unity, forging Christian friendships, practicing the “one anothers” of the New Testament, and witnessing to unbelievers (see Hebrews 10:25 & Acts 2:47)

6. Giving

Giving is a matter of the heart, an expression of worship, and a practical and tangible way of practicing generosity, as well as showing gratitude, love for God, and care for others (2 Corinthians 8:9 & 9:6-11).

7. Serving

Serving is a committed action, a mark of a disciple, and a powerful way to share the remove space gospel and love of Jesus. (See Philippians 2:3-8 and 1 Peter 4:10-11.)


In closing, living with discipline doesn’t make us right with God, but it does equip us to live rightly with God. This isn’t always easy, yet it is absolutely possible as it is God who works through us by His Spirit in accomplishing this. And further, by choosing to delight in God, our wants supernaturally align with His desires for us. And when this happens, what was once a duty, drudgery or difficulty is wonderfully transformed into a delight.


Gracious Father, I am in awe of your great love for me. Thank you for empowering me to live a disciplined life that honors you and results in my many blessings. May my greatest delight be found in you, transforming my desires to align with your perfect will for my life. Amen.

Question of the Week

What specific spiritual discipline do you find to be most challenging? How might delighting in God transform your challenge into a delight?

Encourage our community by sharing your response HERE!


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