Last week, I did a thing, or better stated, a thing happened to me; I turned 60. Honestly, I can’t exactly figure out how this practically happened, as I seemed to remember just having turned 40, and shortly thereafter 50 and now, oh my it’s really true, I’m 60! Perhaps you’ve heard the recent catch phrase, “60 is the new 40”, meaning that individuals at the age of 60 have every reason and confidence to remain vital, productive, purposeful and fruitful in their older age. And while I personally, now that I actually am 60, find this to be encouraging, and also believe it to be true, at least in theory. At the same time, I am also completely aware that I am no longer 40.

Whether or not I choose to acknowledge it, time is not standing still, the clock is not now nor will it ever be moving backward. And honestly, I am ok with this, which is totally irrelevant. As to whether or not I am on board with it or not, it is a reality of life. Time moves forward, and those who are wise embrace forward motion, seizing each day by intentionally making the most of every opportunity. In my commitment to transition purposefully into this new season of my life, I will continue as I have in the past, to rely on the truths found in scripture for guidance, direction and inspiration.

Listed below are several of my most treasured verses regarding purposeful living…


Living with wisdom

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.
Psalms 90:12 (NLT)

I have always loved this scripture and for so many reasons. Primarily it is a sober reminder that life actually is brief, and the older I get, the more I recognize this to be true. Obviously, time doesn’t literally fly, but I will say each year seems to be moving at a more rapid pace. Just as hiking down from mountains takes less time than the initial ascent, so the second half of life seems to move at a more aggressive pace, and I think there are legitimate reasons for this.

I can only speak for myself, but in my younger years I was focused on dreams and desired goals such as pursuing degrees, committing to marriage, conceiving, raising and then releasing children, serving in full time ministry and teaching. These were wonderful years in my life for which I am most grateful. Did I make mistakes? Do I struggle with regret? Do I wish I could do some things over, better, with increased love, peace and rest in my heart and spirit? Yes, yes and yes. But as much as I may want to undo or redo any portion or season of my life, it is simply not possible.

While it is not feasible to live in the past or future, it is altogether achievable, and simultaneously practical to live fully present in the here and now. And Psalm 90:12 speaks to this very thing, as the wisdom referred to in this scripture implies a comprehension and acknowledgement regarding the fragility and preciousness of life. It is the acceptance of this truth that leads us to reflect upon that which is truly important; first and foremost, our relationship with God, and second and of equal importance, loving, caring for, and serving well the people He has placed in our lives. Just as time doesn’t stop and years continually move forward, so must I, and by the strength and grace of God I will do so.

Living with confidence…

I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].
Philippians 1:6 (AMP)

These words penned by the apostle Paul, are founded and anchored in truth, instilling confident hope for every season of life. As I carefully read through this verse, I am drawn to several keywords that I believe are incredibly significant in regard to grasping both the reality and incredible promise contained in this scripture. To begin with we must acknowledge that it is He, as in God who both initiates and completes the work. Next, it is critical to note that the work that God is involved in is a good one. And finally, and equally as important, it is clear that the work, the good work that God is committed to accomplishing is in you and in me. The knowledge of this truth instills godly confidence in the present and onwards into the future.

Living with purpose

There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven—
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (AMP)

This verse helps me to connect the unseen dots regarding my current life season, and the significance of responding appropriately by living with intentionality, focus and purpose. It is humbling and simultaneously awe-inspiring to recognize and acknowledge that we are alive and living on planet earth in this particular season on the eternal timeline. It’s not by some cosmic, random chance that we were born, nor is any part of our lives a result of fate for that matter. The fact that we are presently living in this time in history was the plan of Almighty God, and He has a work for each of us to do. This truth is the motivation to live each day on purpose, with purpose and for a purpose.

Living with gratitude

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT)

The message proclaimed through this verse is straightforward and completely clear. The exhortation is to choose gratitude in all of life’s circumstances, in every place, in every space, in every season and for all the right reasons. According to this verse there are two compelling reasons that should be the primary motivation for gratitude. The first being it is God’s will for us. Or stated another way, this is God’s desire for us, His best for us, His plan for us. Further I am reminded that God’s will for us is always based on His love for us. And the second motivation for gratitude is that we belong to Christ. This indeed is good news! We’ve been chosen by God to belong to Jesus. We are dearly loved children of the Father. And we are called to represent Him on this earth by being grateful. On a side note, our thanks to God will never end.

And on that day when my strength is failing
The end draws near and my time has come
Still, my soul will sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years and then forevermore

(Lyrics from 10.000 Reasons
By Matt Redman )

In closing, As I begin my 60th year, I wish I could report that I have it all together, (relationally, spiritually and emotionally), that I have arrived professionally, that my heartfelt prayers have been answered, that all of my relationships are flourishing, that I am thriving physically, and that I have a clear path marked out for the remainder of my life. That sounds rather lovely, perhaps idyllic, but regardless it’s simply not true. The truth is as I enter this new decade, I carry with me broken relationships that I desire to be healed, emotional hurts that resurface, character flaws that I continue to yield to God, physical challenges, and a list of unanswered prayers. This I recognize and acknowledge to be true, at least in the present. However, I am convinced that God who has always been with me, will continue to show Himself faithful to me. And this is the sole reason I can live with hope and confidence as I look expectantly towards the future.

Living with hope…

Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”
Lamentations 3:21-24 (NLT)

God bless you my friends, I pray the reality of God’s constant love for you, will be the source of your confidence and your reason for hope!

For Reflection…

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1. Identify your personal season of life. What steps are you taking to live intentionally, purposefully and powerfully at this current time in your life?

Read Lamentations 3:21 & 22 and take time to remember, rehearse, verbalize and even journal God’s faithfulness to you in the past.
•Does this reality fill you with confidence for your future?
•Why or why not?
•Talk to God in prayer about your answer.