A couple of weeks ago I heard an encouraging and inspiring sermon on the topic of spiritual gifts. Later that week as I pondered the message, I was reminded of the Gifted Program when I was in High School. In case you’re not familiar with this initiative, it was designed to challenge and encourage intellectually advanced students. To be clear, I was not in this program, however my H.S. sweetheart and husband of nearly 39 years was, and for all the right reasons, as he was gifted then and he continues to be gifted today. And although this was an exclusive academic plan for the intellectually gifted, the truth is every person on planet earth has been uniquely gifted by God.

Truth fact number one: Everyone has been gifted….

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
1 Peter 4:10 (NLT)

This verse is but one of many that confirms a critical truth regarding spiritual gifts…

And it is simply this: everyone has at least one, and they are to be used well, skillfully, with excellence and in service for others. For the most part I would say this fact is widely accepted by the majority who endeavor to steward well the gifts they have received. What I actually see as the dilemma regarding gifts however, does not lie in the belief that everybody has one, but rather in a distortion about the unique execution of the individual gifts we’ve been given. Although it’s true that no one person operates at a level ten in every spiritual gift, and the gifts we’ve each been given have been divinely chosen for us by God, it is also true that others, actually many others, have the exact same gifts and talents as the ones we’ve received and herein lies the challenge…

Truth fact number two: Our gifts may be similar, but we are not….

Because every individual has been uniquely fashioned by God, the way in which they operate in their giftedness is also unique. We were not created to be copycats, but rather 100% authentic originals. Although we can glean from, be trained by, and learn from one another, and we should, however at the same time we were never created to be like anyone else. The only One any of us was ever called to imitate is God.

Therefore, become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father];
Ephesians 5:1 (AMP)

I truly believe that we are most effective and fruitful in our areas of individual giftedness when we fully embrace our identity as image bearers and followers of Jesus. It is only by making Christ the center and focus of all that we do, that we are enabled and fully equipped to be, do and give our ultimate best!

As I considered this, I was reminded of a specific, rather well-known story involving King David, pre-kingship, when he was still a shepherd boy, and his confrontation with an angry, hot headed, overrated, giant named Goliath….

This entire story is recorded in I Samuel chapter 17, and if you are in need of a feel-good narrative worthy of applause, I recommend that you read it in full, either for the first time or the hundredth time; it’s truly that good!

Anyway, for the purposes of time, I want to reflect on one specific part of this narrative. In summation, a big scary giant named Goliath from the town of Gath had been taunting, threatening and belittling the Israelites for a period of forty days, instilling great fear in the people of Israel and the army of God. No man felt equipped or confident to stand against the ominous Goliath, that is except for one, David, son of Jesse. Somehow, young David was not moved one iota by Goliath’s threats or taunts, and so he courageously, fearlessly and rather confidently approaches the king of Israel with an offer to stand in defiance against the giant. Although King Saul is hesitant, not at all convinced that David is the man, or more precisely, youth, equipped for the job, at this point in the narrative, he is running out of viable options and time. And so against his better judgment the king reluctantly consents to David’s incredulous offer, and he even provides him with his own armor; a bronze helmet and a coat of mail.

Potentially the king was thinking…

Perhaps my impressive battle attire will provide David with the added advantage of at least looking the part, as clearly he is not the candidate for the job!

Then Saul gave David his own armor— David put it on, strapped the sword over it, and took a step or two to see what it was like, for he had never worn such things before.
1 Samuel 17:38 (NLT)

David however, was not in need of impressive military garb, nor was he comfortable in the king’s armor or anyone else’s for that matter…

 “I can’t go in these,” he protested to Saul. “I’m not used to them.” So David took them off again.”
1 Samuel 17:39 (NLT)

Instead, he was completely confident in his rare, potentially unconventional, one of a kind battle strategy. Per his usual, all he required was a sling and some stones.

Truth fact number three: Our gifts are most effective when we exercise them with the divinely personalized skill set we’ve been entrusted with…

He picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his shepherd’s bag. Then, armed only with his shepherd’s staff and sling, he started across the valley to fight the Philistine.
1 Samuel 17:40 (NLT)

David was fully aware that his unique gift of boldness, extraordinary courage and unwavering trust in Yahweh was all he had or would ever require…

David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!”

As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him. Reaching into his shepherd’s bag and taking out a stone, he hurled it with his sling and hit the Philistine in the forehead. The stone sank in, and Goliath stumbled and fell face down on the ground. So David triumphed over the Philistine with only a sling and a stone, for he had no sword.
1 Samuel 17:45-50 (NLT)

Applause, applause!

What an inspiring narrative! And additionally, what a wonderful reminder that it is God who works through us to accomplish His plans and purposes. We might not look the part, and potentially from the perspective of others, we might not even be the part, but here’s what we need to know…

Truth fact number four: It is God alone who sovereignly hand picks and distributes gifts. He works supernaturally through His people empowering them each to be effective and successful in their unique areas of giftedness.


A couple of weeks ago I attended a Christian writer’s conference where I had the privilege of gleaning from honed and experienced experts in their craft. I had the opportunity of spending valuable time with many talented women from a wide array of experiences, each with a unique story that fueled their passion and purpose for writing, speaking and serving. Hundreds of diversified, yet unified women joined together with similar giftings and passions, but the chosen pathways for utilizing these gifts were as unique as the women who possessed them. There was no sense of superiority, competition, or envy at this conference; rather I sensed genuine encouragement and appreciation for the unique giftings and callings of each woman present. How incredibly lovely and wonderful is this?

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

Uniquely gifted by God….

For reflection….

Take some time to ponder the many marvelous ways in which God has uniquely gifted you.

How are you currently stewarding the gifts you’ve been entrusted with?

What steps might God be leading you to take to make use of your gifts more effectively?

Close this time in sincere gratitude, thanking God for the unique way in which He has personally designed and gifted you.